Himalayan pink salt lamps are an eye-catching addition to any decor. They are made from pink salt crystals extracted from the Himalayan Mountains, and their colour ranges from light pink to pink with an orange hue, depending on the mineral concentration.

Aside from Himalayan salt decor aesthetic value, some say these incredible decors may remove potentially dangerous chemicals and contaminants from the air. This may not be a completely crazy theory because salt is a hygroscopic substance, which means it has a net positive ionic charge and draws water molecules from its surroundings. However, there is little to no scientific data to back it up.

Here are some of the alleged benefits of Himalayan salt lamps:

Himalayan Salt Lamps Balance The Electromagnetic Radiations

Some commonly used devices like televisions, cell phones, laptops, and tablets regularly release positive ions into the air. These electronics can result in an overflow of electromagnetic radiation (EM), which is thought to have substantial long-term consequences. Constant exposure to EM radiation promotes weariness, stress, and immune system weakness.

However, the negative ions from Himalayan salt lamps cancel out the positive ions. By neutralising electromagnetic radiation, they aid in reducing artificial frequencies and even prevent static build-up.

It Cleanses, Deodorizes And Purifies The Air

Himalayan pink salt lamps help purify the air by attracting and absorbing polluted water molecules from the nearby environment and locking them into the salt crystal. The method is highly effective at removing cigarette smoke, dust, and other impurities from the air. This benefit is prevalent because salty air improves general health and can help clear the air passage.

Enhance Overall Breathing

Cilia are little hairs that border the windpipe and act like microscopic breathing filters. According to research, positive ions reduce cilial activity while negative ions increase and positively affect it. Therefore, Himalayan salt lamps are thought to aid breathing by emitting negative ions that filter foreign particles and keep the lungs cleaner.

It Reduces Asthma And Calm Allergies

Himalayan salt lamps are thought to filter dust, mildew, mould, and pet dander from the air in the home. They reduce allergy symptoms of all kinds in the same way that a nasal saline spray utilises salt to clear airways.

Those individuals with asthma have claimed to benefit from Himalayan salt. Because it is such an excellent breathing aid, some manufacturers have created Himalayan salt inhalers for people with asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory disorders.

If anyone around you has asthma, you can employ Himalayan salt brick walls or lamps and take advantage of this natural air purifier.

It Alleviates Coughing

The negative ions emitted by Himalayan salt lamps may protect against airborne microorganisms (germs). In addition to eliminating these pollutants from the air, salt assists the body in filtering air more effectively, attempting to prevent any foreign particles from entering the lungs.

This can help keep coughing, sore throats, sneezing, and other minor cold symptoms at bay.

Boost Flood Flow

Negative ions, such as those emitted by Himalayan salt lamps, have been shown in experiments to increase blood flow. This helps alleviate numerous circulatory system diseases and can prevent certain damage to the lungs.

Enhance Energy Level

Positive ions deplete the body’s energy, and Himalayan salt lamps are said to accomplish the reverse. The negative ions boost energy levels, producing a refreshing impact similar to the feeling of renewal obtained from spending time in nature.

Conclusive Thoughts

So this was all about Himalayan salt lamps and their human-friendly properties. If you want to benefit from this fantastic piece of home decor, contact Zameer Salt. We have a variety of salt lamps and salt bricks for sale at reasonable price.